May 22nd  was the date when  we found out the result of our GCAT examination. The proctor who had been there with us while taking the GCAT gave us the telephone number, and website of PNU if we could not go to the university. I grimace  slightly in disgust when I think about the information he gave us. The PNU website was not  always updated and their phone number was always busy. I did try all of those things when I was inquiring for  Master's Degree but it was  futile.  I thought that the best way was to visit the university and I was right. Since my youngest sister will be going to PNU on that date, I just asked her to check the result of GCAT exam. She left home early in the morning because she had to go to Divisoria to buy some school supplies. After that, she  went to PNU to check GCAT result and also to do her own business there.She arrived home at 8:00 P.M. I was doing my online job when she got home. I heard how she ran fast to see me to tell the news. She was so excited and I saw her beaming happiness when she told me that I passed the GCAT. I was overjoyed and speechless. My worries about the result had gone.My parents soon forgot their anxieties about my GCAT  results and were also very  happy. So now, I am looking forward to the enrolment on May 28th.
I was engrossed with my online job and review for the GCAT Exam for my Master's Degree that is why I was not able to post anything new here. By the way, what is GCAT?  GCAT stands for Graduate College Admission Test.. We cannot be admitted in the University without passing GCAT. I am serious in passing the exam that is why I took the review by heart. I took the exam last May 15. I didn't feel nervous. I prayed a lot before that day. My friend and I agreed to meet at the train station at exactly 7 in the morning.  I was 15 minutes late on our agreement and I saw a disappointing expression on Meliza's face. Thank God, she was not that angry with me. She already bought a ticket for me in going to UN Avenue. There were many people that time at the train station. We were not able to occupy a seat so we just stood on the train while keeping our feet slightly apart to be able to balance. I put my bag in my front body to secure it from people who steal things which are not theirs. My younger sister already lost her cellphone while riding on a train and I don't want same thing happen with me.

 We arrived at the university at 7:45 A.M. That time, I already felt butterflies in my stomach. Since Philippine Normal University was Meliza's Alma Mater, we did not find any difficulties in looking for the assigned room. It was on the second floor on the building. Finally, we were at the doorstep of Room 206. There were still few vacant seats. While entering the room, the proctor instructed us to check for our name first on the door. Our name was there and then we proceeded to our seats. We prepared Mongol no. 2 pencil and our examination permit. The proctor checked all the examination permits and gave us the test questionnaire. It was composed of general test, cloze test in English and Filipino, reading comprehension, math and logic test. I felt lucky  when I was answering the first part of the test because I taught history and I was able to answer questions on general category easily. I still remember my answers there such as the Ikebana and other tourist attraction on different countries.It took me long time to answer cloze test and the reading comprehension test. When it was Math and Logic part already, I felt so nervous that I whisper a silent prayer that God may guide me in answering those. I finished answering the exam early. However, I did not pass it right away to the proctor. I used the remaining time to review my answers. I checked all the items if I was able to circle all the correct answer. That is always my technique in taking an exam. I never let a number without an answer. If I really do not know what is the correct answer for a certain item,  I skip it and go to another part of the test. Once I finished answering all the questions, I go back to those numbers that I left. If still, I cannot figure out what is the correct answer, I just make a wise guess.  I am not a fortune teller but I answer based on my instinct.. It was exact 11 am when I passed my test paper.  When I went out of the room, I saw my younger sister waiting for me to tell me mom's message. After that, Meliza and I chatted about our answers on the test. I kept on asking her about some items in Math such as how many weeks are there in 3 years and some questions in linear equations. Math is really my waterloo. I don't know why but everytime I see numbers, I feel dizzy. We went to the rest room to refresh ourselves with powder and cologne. Afterwards, we both agreed to go to Quiapo church to pray. That day went fine for both of us. 
Amidst the busy schedule these days, I was still able to do a little conversation  with my friend Jenny who is from Indonesia. We were not able to talk for a long time and talking with her once again is very exciting. She is a smart and kind woman. I can tell it because she had the traits of a smart woman based on the article I had written on Triond.  Although, she is a bit of mysterious type, I love her simplicity and thoughtfulness. While we were in the middle of our conversation, she told me something which  I know is true. It is about her niece who always tried her on making her  assignment. She will always asked Jenny to make her assignment in English but Jenny won't allow it. She will challenge her niece to do her assignment first in their native language and then change it into English. Afterwards, she will check if it is correct. That way, she is helping her niece not only on her assignment but teaching her how to be independent also. What I learned on her is that no matter what is the age of the one you are teaching of, have a trust on him. Show that person how you believe in his abilities.  That way, you are helping the person get out of his insecurities. He will have a confidence in himself because he knows there is someone who believes in him. That works for me too. Whenever I feel that I cannot do something, there is always someone who will told me that he believes in me and he know I can do it.