
Ways to Overcome Shyness

Are you a shy person? If yes, what do you think is the reason of this shyness? According to Medical Dictionary, the thing that is responsible for shyness of a person is the amygdala. It is the part of the brain related to emotions and new situations. It is the one that evaluates new situations based on past experiences. If the new situation is threatening, the amygdala will send a warning signal. The amygdala in  a shy person is extremely sensitive and more active compare to the amygdala of an outgoing person.

Read more: http://www.bukisa.com/articles/289135_ways-to-overcome-shyness?utm_source=widget&utm_medium=banner&utm_campaign=widget&ref_id=51930#ixzz0oibvp4GV

Life is not perfect. It is like a pendulum in which sometimes swings to the direction we want it to be and sometimes on the direction we keep on avoiding.

Being a human is easy but going on as a human is a tough job. Problems, stress, failures, fears and worries are shadows of life. It is a part of every human lives and we cannot escape from it.Indeed they call it spices of life. The child cannot wait to be a man or a woman. A man and a woman sigh for the lost happiness of childhood days. People worry so much about their physical appearances. A fat person hoping to be thin someday and a thin person wishing to gain some weight.Married couples worry of not having a child and unmarried people worry about how to get married

Read more: http://socyberty.com/advice/six-tips-on-how-to-deal-with-problems/#ixzz0oH680r7H

Top Powers of Smile

One of the most visible and spectacular ways to express feelings and emotions is through smiling. A good smile can brighten up one's day. It is the rays of joy and love.  If there is a smile, then there will be no room for sadness, hatred and anger.  A genuine smile is of one of the most effective means to capture the trust and attention of a person.

Read more: http://www.bukisa.com/articles/281604_reasons-why-people-should-have-a-habit-of-smiling#ixzz0mreRvLlt

 Seven Tips on How to Improve your Relationship with Other People

1. Speak to People 

   It is a good thing greeting your friends, classmates, teachers, your neighbours and other people surrounding you. People who are very fond of making greetings seems to be a friendly one. My mom always greet people whenever we are walking on the street and it makes her feel comfortable and happy. 

Read more : http://socyberty.com/advice/seven-tips-on-how-to-improve-your-relationship-with-other-people/

Wonderful Works of Prayers

Prayer is a necessity to each one of us. It is the foundation of the human as a whole.

How do you define prayer? When and how many times do you pray each day?  Do you make it a part of your daily life?

Prayer is the way in which we communicate to God. It is a way in which we lift our spirit to Him. It is the time we talk and listen sincerely to Him. It includes letting God do His will for us. He loves and care for us.  As what Andrew Murray said "Prayer is not monologue but dialogue; God's voice is it's most essential part. Listening to God's voice is the secret of the assurance that He will listen to mine."

Read more: http://www.bukisa.com/articles/280647_wonderful-works-of-prayers#ixzz0mURGLOl3


Top 10 Secrets to Reveal About Smart Women

Expand your I.Q. and get the smarts that go beyond books and classrooms.
Here are the 10  secrets smart women should know

1. Smart women are beautiful.

Real beauty cannot be seen on outside physical appearance but it must come from within. You are given the skin and body you have right now — brown, black, white, fat, thin, curvy — but how you see yourself is all up to you. If you think you are beautiful, you are! Remember that physical beauty fades and what matter is the beauty inside. Click here to continue http://beyondjane.com/lifestyle/top-10-secrets-to-reveal-about-smart-women/

Life's Challenges

In this world, each people falls only in two classifications in life. Everybody begins life with either an advantage or a disadvantage. Advantage if we are born with a silver spoon on our mouth and disadvantage if we are born on the wrong side of the tracks. Click on the link to continue reading  http://www.bukisa.com/articles/273536_lifes-challenges

Importance of Friendship

A friendship is created by two or more people who share their life with each other. It is a God-given gift that must be cherished all our life.

According to Webster's dictionary, a friend is someone who is attached to another by respect or affection. In my own definition,  he is a person whom we can lean  on in good times and in bad times. Click here to continue reading http://www.bukisa.com/articles/275037_friendship

How to Make Friends

 How do friendships start?  At first, we called each other as a stranger. In every new face we meet, there are already impressions that processed in our mind. We usually made it through looking on one’s physical appearance or even on one’s way. Sometimes, we think that a person who has an angelic face is such a kind type.  And if a certain guy acts like a girl, we think of him as a gay. However, these are not the true basis for us to know one’s personality.Click here to continue reading http://socyberty.com/advice/how-to-make-friends-5/