Amidst the busy schedule these days, I was still able to do a little conversation  with my friend Jenny who is from Indonesia. We were not able to talk for a long time and talking with her once again is very exciting. She is a smart and kind woman. I can tell it because she had the traits of a smart woman based on the article I had written on Triond.  Although, she is a bit of mysterious type, I love her simplicity and thoughtfulness. While we were in the middle of our conversation, she told me something which  I know is true. It is about her niece who always tried her on making her  assignment. She will always asked Jenny to make her assignment in English but Jenny won't allow it. She will challenge her niece to do her assignment first in their native language and then change it into English. Afterwards, she will check if it is correct. That way, she is helping her niece not only on her assignment but teaching her how to be independent also. What I learned on her is that no matter what is the age of the one you are teaching of, have a trust on him. Show that person how you believe in his abilities.  That way, you are helping the person get out of his insecurities. He will have a confidence in himself because he knows there is someone who believes in him. That works for me too. Whenever I feel that I cannot do something, there is always someone who will told me that he believes in me and he know I can do it. 

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