I just wrote an article on how can we expand our vocabulary. One of them is to write at least 2 words a day and make a sentences from those unfamiliar words. 

1. ASPERITY; Pronunciation: \a-ˈsper-ə-tē, ə-, -ˈspe-rə-\- It means to speak sharply or with harshness
- noun; sharpness of temper

A. In the way he talked, I saw that he expressed with asperity his displeasure at his group members.

B. The politician addressed his rival with asperity when the latter accused him of corruption.

C. When the tired father came home yesterday, he was filled with so much asperity that the children had to leave the room to get away from him.

2. ADAMANT -  Pronunciation: \ˈa-də-mənt, -ˌmant\
- noun;  a legendary stone of impenetrable hardness, formerly sometimes identified with the diamond
-adj. utterly unyielding in attitude or opinion in spite of all appeals, urgins, etc.

A. I feel adamant  on passing the examination for Masteral Degree.

B. I've told him to stay at home and rest but he is adamant of visiting us.

C. The lawyer was adamant about his client's innocence during the murder trial.